
Welcome to our Testimonials page! We are delighted to share the experiences and feedback of our students. Read what they have to say about our English courses and their language learning journey with us.


Geothermal Engineer, Indonesia

Business English

The materials used in the class spur me to think and to give some comments and thoughts, it got me engaged quite nicely as the flow of the materials works really well for me. Even though it’s an online class the experience is not quite different from the real class as it is still fun, engaging, and lively.

The teacher is so fun as well, she delivers the materials quite nicely and always tries to stimulate me to think critically and give some comments and thoughts in every session of the class. I love the idea of a dedicated session that she gives me some valuable inputs regarding my grammar error, as it doesn’t interrupt the flow during the session.

The main reason for me to take the conversation class is to improve my speaking skills and to increase my confidence level in using English in the professional world as I really need it for my workplace which is International Organization. This class has met my expectation really well, so I am really satisfied with my choice here.

The materials, the flow, and the engaging environment, not to mention the class are also so fun. It’s almost everything is well crafted for the online class so the experience that I got is really not quite different from the real ones in the class that I have had before.



Student, Indonesia

General English

It’s the first time I try online lessons and find them very effective and comfortable. The teacher was very attentive and supportive. The topics are interesting that can help you improve your conversation skills.

So far I am really satisfied with my English skill improvements and I am sure I will continue improving my English skills. I highly recommend these lessons.



Teacher, Indonesia

Speaking Plus

I want to practice more, improve my skill and confidence in speaking English. I was so glad and grateful that I can join the conversation class at Infinitive Learning. I really have got many benefits and enjoyed each online session. I totally suggest these lessons.



IT Consultant

Speaking Plus

The class was amazing, it was fun and convenient. It was great on how the teacher keeps the class engaging the whole time. The teacher is kind, considerate and helping. She helps me with the problem and she managed to keep the class interesting. I also want to have higher chances working in a multinational company.




Speaking Plus

Seneng banget bisa belajar di sini, pengajarnya seru dan interaktif, materi yang di bahas pun menarik, dan bener2 mengajarkan sampai bisa.. Thank you Infilearn English 😊


Michał Nadolle


Speaking Plus

I want to study English because it is the most useful language for everyone. The teacher here is very kind and professional, welcome to any student. I think this online class is a very good idea in these difficult times, because anyone in the world can join and learn safely. :))



Student, Indonesia

Speaking Plus

My conversation class with Infinitive Learning is awesome. I have been taking the classes for almost 4 months, I am really happy about my improvement. Now I feel more comfortable and confident when speaking English. My teacher is nice and always corrects me if i made a mistakes. Then there are materials that are full of English expressions and opinion. All of the topic conversation was fun too.



University Student, Indonesia

General English

Online private English course is a good alternative to learn and improve my speaking skills using English for me as a college student who has a lot of assignment with busy schedule. The things that I like to join the class are the topic they given every meeting was very interesting and they teach it in interactive way so i can easily understand about the topic.

The teachers are also very welcome, super kind, funny and mingled easily with the students. The advantage of this course is they have flexibility so we can choose the schedule by ourselves and that’s make it easier for people who have a lot of activity like me.

I had an amazing time during the course and happy because my speaking skills become better than before. Thank you infinitive learning!



Civil Engineer, Tunisia

General English

I like languages. I speak already four languages, which are Arabic, French, English and German. And of course I want to improve all the languages, that’s why I am reaching this English course, to learn new things and to correct my mistakes and I’m happy to join this class.

The class sounds good to me. I’m enjoying it honestly. And I like the games in the class and I learned new things about spelling, about tenses, some grammar things, it’s a good class. I recommend it.

The teacher is fantastic. Widia is a good teacher, she is helpful, she is nice, she answers all my questions.



Entrepreneur, Indonesia

Speaking Plus

I joined the conversation class to improve my speaking skills, also my confidence to using English in the professional world as I really need it to communicate with a people around the world. Languages are important for me and i love it so much! I speak 6 languages, Which are Mandarin, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, German and of course English.

I thought taking online lessons would be boring and difficult but the fact is not at all! I love the teachers especially Mr. Riski! He’s good one! He is my favorite teacher, his method & the way he teaches us, he delivers the materials very good! also the materials used in the class are easy to learn and the materials work really well for me.

So I recommend you guys to take course in Infilearn English, You can learn everything with the great teachers and fun environment in the class.



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Terms and Conditions for Trial Class

Bahasa Indonesia

Istilah yang Digunakan

  • Staff pengajar, guru, instruktur, dan peran yang serupa akan disebut teacher.

Kehadiran dan Perekaman Kelas

Status Kehadiran

  • Hadir (Present): Menunjukkan bahwa murid aktif berpartisipasi dalam kelas.
  • Absen (Absent): Menunjukkan bahwa murid tidak mengikuti kelas.
  • Ditunda (Postponed): Menandakan penjadwalan ulang kelas atau pertemuan ke tanggal dan waktu lain.
  • Hari Libur Umum (Public Holiday): Menyiratkan bahwa kelas ditunda karena hari libur.

Perekaman Kelas

  • Semua pertemuan akan direkam untuk keperluan quality control dan potensi tujuan pemasaran di berbagai platform media sosial (misalnya, Instagram, Facebook).
  • Rekaman kelas tidak dapat diakses oleh murid.
  • Jika murid berencana merekam kelas online untuk penggunaan pribadi, murid harus memberi tahu teacher yang akan mengajar sebelumnya.

Kebijakan Kelas

Kelas Gratis

  • Kelas gratis tidak dapat dijadwal ulang atau digantikan; jika mudid tidak dapat hadir, kelas akan dibatalkan.

Kebijakan Keterlambatan

  • Mereka yang terlambat dan melewatkan sebagian pertemuan tidak akan mendapatkan pengganti untuk porsi kelas yang terlewat.

Penjadwalan Kelas

  • Kelas yang dijadwalkan akan diatur dan disampaikan oleh course consultant murid.
  • Beri tahu teacher yang akan mengajar sebelum kelas dimulai jika kamu tidak dapat menghadiri kelas untuk memungkinkan penyesuaian materi.

Informasi Profil

  • Pastikan akurasi informasi profil kamu dan segera perbarui dengan menghubungi course consultant kamu jika ada informasi yang tidak benar.

Perilaku Selama Kelas

  • Minum diperbolehkan selama kelas, tetapi makan tidak diizinkan.
  • Jika teacher tidak dapat menghadiri kelas, murid akan diinformasikan sebelumnya.

Persyaratan Teknis

  • Pastikan kamera dan mikrofon kamu aktif selama kelas, kecuali diinstruksikan sebaliknya oleh teacher yang sedang mengajar.
  • Menggunakan headset atau earphone dianjurkan untuk kualitas audio yang lebih baik.
  • Pastikan bahwa perangkat Anda (PC, laptop, mikrofon, speaker, headset, dll.) berfungsi dengan benar dan baik sebelum kelas berlangsung.
  • Jika kamu mengalami masalah perangkat, beri tahu teacher kamu segera.

Keluar dari Kelas

  • Jangan tinggalkan kelas sebelum kelas selesai. Jika kamu harus pergi lebih awal karena alasan apa pun, beri tahu teacher kamu sebelumnya.

Lingkungan Kelas

  • Pastikan kamu berada di lingkungan yang kondusif dan tenang untuk berpartisipasi dalam kelas online.

Privasi dan Penggunaan Data

Informasi Pribadi

  • Informasi pribadi kamu tidak akan dijual atau dibagikan di luar kursus.
  • Informasi pribadi kamu akan digunakan hanya untuk tujuan administratif dalam kursus kamu.

Syarat Lainnya

Perubahan Syarat

  • Kami berhak untuk mengubah, memperbarui, atau memperbarui syarat dan ketentuan ini atas kebijaksanaan kami.
  • Setiap perubahan yang dilakukan pada syarat akan efektif segera setelah diposting di platform kami.
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